Ten Index General Principals
- These principals apply to to all the Ten Index Types (Versions); Depends on Use.
- One Hundred Categories is a Good Upper Limit; to remember, to manage.
(10 Sections x 10 Categories = 100 Spaces ) - The Types (Versions) are modeled after the Persona Version.
- L0 is the Type (Versions)
- L1 are the Sections.
- L2 are the Categories.
- L3 are just SubFolders.
- L4 is not recommended.
- Each Section and Each Category:
- Should be One Word
- Two Digit Number
- Color
- Shape
- MetaData
- "Sections Nines" are reserved for systems administration; access, loopback, sudo, backdoor.
- The "Eights Sections" are typically used for logs, tracking, content dump, archives.